Tagged: AL Rookie of the Year

Congrats Bailey!!

A big congratulation is in order for Andrew Bailey! He was awarded the AL Rookie of the Year earlier today. Not only his he a great player, and deserved the award (with out a doubt in my mind), but he’s an Oakland Athletic!! This is huge for not only Bailey but our team as a whole. It shows we have great players on our roster; we just need to get in gear, and step up next season. And not only did Bailey take the win, but our very own Brett Anderson was listed as a nominee and came in 6th place. This is a step in the right direction for our A’s…Billy Beane better not mess it up and trade all of our good players like in the past. We can’t perform as a team, when our players keep leaving. But today’s announcement isn’t about Beane, so let’s not worry about him. Great job Bailey!


Go A’s!