Tagged: mike sweeney

Old A’s Join the AL West

Well it looks like we will be seeing some familiar faces this season, but sadly they will be playing against us. So far, we’ve seen Eric Byrnes, Milton Bradley, and Mike Sweeney on the Mariners alone (and we’ve already played them twice!) Didn’t the season just start?

For me, the weirdest was seeing Byrnes, I still picture him in an A’s jersey playing outfield for us. Last I heard he was with the Diamondbacks. Lucky for him though, since his contract isn’t up yet with them, he’s getting paid by Arizona for this season along with the Mariners….NICE!

Also, in watching today’s game, I overheard Harden’s name get brought up. As I quickly turned the water off in the sink to run over and turn the volume up on the TV, I found out that Harden is now with the Rangers! When did this happen? The good thing is us A’s fans will get to see him more….I wish we never traded him and Haren (but that’s another story). The bad thing is he will  be playing against us.

Well day 2 of our series against the Mariner’s is tomorrow…and Duke did great today in the series opener.

Go A’s